I am now officially on holiday. Or I am not really officially on holiday but I had my last exam this morning so in my books that means I am on holiday. I spent the whole of yesterday cramming like mad. I worked in the evening and when I came home a bit after midnight I had almost 50 emails in my inbox from people from my class. They had all reached the level of hysterics and panic and everything between and beyond. Excellent. I decided not to join the nocturnal revisers but instead set my alarm early so that could go through the last few things in the morning.
In the exam I got bored. I was so tired and the questions were just stupid. I leaned my head against my hand and continued scribbling. 12 pages later I decided that I had said all I wanted to say and besides the time was up.
We went out for lunch to a nice Lebanese restaurant but zombies keeping company to other zombies did not give the occasion a festive touch. It was time to come home and climb back into bed. We would try again later in the evening, with the help of few nice bottles of wine. Or then not. Will see.
It is sunny outside. I wonder if I could take my nap on my balcony. I have no school. I am on holiday. I don’t have to study. This is so cool. Amazing.
My phone rang. It was my brother. He was booking my classes for my bike license – my summer project. I will give myself 2days before opening those books. I think I am a professional student.
I think I will go to bed.
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