dream hunter

You wonder if you should take a step to the unknown. She leaped. You wonder if you knew how. She taught you. You wonder if you could. She did. A friend who's always there. A source of inspiration and admiration. Courageous, beautiful and full of amazing thoughts. She's someone so annoyingly perfect you'd want to hate her. But you can't help but love her. by iiris

Saturday, June 23, 2007

feet...and a massage

I have a friend who has studies herbal/natural medicine and massage therapy and everything that goes with them. He has for long been telling me I should take better care of myself. He has also been, as long as I have known him, giving me mixtures for stress, for tired feet, for a gold – what ever has been in need of a little improvement. On Thursday he had had enough of my stiff and cracking back and gave me a massage. And another one yesterday.

The session of relaxation began with a 45min foot massage. It feels like heaven. After the first massage he asked me if I had lost someone close to me or gone through a painful break-up. Apparently there was a mark on my left foot indicating a loss of some sort.

He told me that feet tell a lot about a person. The high arch in mine says that I am a traveller; my feet are not fully on the ground. There is also something in my feet that indicates intelligence, especially artistic talent. This was interesting. I have a friend who is the opposite of me. Her feet are firmly on the ground and she is the last person to leave her home. And her feet don’t have an arch at all. Hmmm.

When you lie on your back and your feet stay firmly together you are not one who knows how to listen. But if the open fully, you are so open that you don’t really have much personality. I am somewhere in the middle.

The left foot is the present – the mother foot or female side of you. When you have problems, unsolved issues in your current life you have problems with your left foot. Bizarre. At the age of 14 I had to have an operation – left foot. A year ago, when I was training for yet another marathon I had fractures and what ever else – left foot.

When the pain is in the past they move to your right foot, but then they don’t necessarily cause big problems, just a small mark. Hmmm.

I strongly believe that the human body knows and understands. Often it is more intelligent than the mind. You can fool your head but you cannot fool your body. It knows. I also believe in the power of plants. Everybody knows that camomile calms you down and what about lemon ,garlic, verbena? It is not all a coincidence. And in your body everything is linked together.

Oh and before even touching my back my friend could tell me which muscles were at the worse state and that my stomach was upset. Funny as I had not mentioned the stabbing pain I had had for several days.


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