dream hunter

You wonder if you should take a step to the unknown. She leaped. You wonder if you knew how. She taught you. You wonder if you could. She did. A friend who's always there. A source of inspiration and admiration. Courageous, beautiful and full of amazing thoughts. She's someone so annoyingly perfect you'd want to hate her. But you can't help but love her. by iiris

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

back on track

I left the office last night and it was dark. The sky was clear and I could see the moon. There was hardly any wind. The week before it had been sleeting and despite my determination and dedication I could not get myself out the front door to go to training. Yesterday was different.

I raced to the track. Late as usual. Lost as usual.

I had a minute or two to catch my breath before the first sprint started. Heavy. 1km. 2.5 laps around the track. And 5minutes before the start of the second one. My muscles were in shocked by the rapid change from one activity to another.

The second one.

Third. I started feel like I was running. Lap times dropped back to low 80’s and my stride was lighter.

A group of sprinters was training next to us. They flew past us. Making everybody else look like a hippopotamus in the sun. Slow. So very slow.

Only the fourth!? “Do NOT think about it.” How could I not?

Another two and I started loosing close to six second in a kilometre. Too slow. Way too slow. Go. Go.

It was over. Over. Slow jog around the track. There was an excruciating pain going through my right knee. I tried to shake it off but it was persistent. Not what I needed.

By the time I locked my bike in front of our building the pain was gone and all that was left was general numbness.

Shower. Bed.

And next Tuesday - back on track


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