dream hunter

You wonder if you should take a step to the unknown. She leaped. You wonder if you knew how. She taught you. You wonder if you could. She did. A friend who's always there. A source of inspiration and admiration. Courageous, beautiful and full of amazing thoughts. She's someone so annoyingly perfect you'd want to hate her. But you can't help but love her. by iiris

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

hospital 5

My hospital is university hospital and hence by Monday morning all the students and trainees were back. In the morning, like every other morning they came to take my blood pressure and temperature and measure my pulse.

The poor 3rd year nursing student struggled a bit but then managed to complete her task, but unfortunately the figures she got for my pressure and pulse were just ridiculous. Her teacher made an annoyed grunt, took the machines from her hand and did the whole thing again himself.

“Mademoiselle, do you know what your blood pressure is usually?” I told him that for all the things he was measuring he should get results that are abnormally low. He told me what he got and I told him it was about right – maybe a bit above my normal levels but pretty good.

The girl smiled – I know that smile. Oh yes. I think every student or pupil knows it. And though you should never ever be happy for other people’s misfortune it is just too nice when your prof, after making you feel silly and stupid has to be humble and admit it was actually him who was too quick to judge.

Not too much later they had to take some blood tests. The first set went ok but the second time the senior nurse missed the vein. She just could not get it. When she realised that it had all gone wrong she went to find someone else to do it – as she never tries twice. While she was out the room her colleague told me that she never ever misses. The last time she had missed a vein when taking blood must have been at least ten years ago.

Should I feel special?


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