dream hunter

You wonder if you should take a step to the unknown. She leaped. You wonder if you knew how. She taught you. You wonder if you could. She did. A friend who's always there. A source of inspiration and admiration. Courageous, beautiful and full of amazing thoughts. She's someone so annoyingly perfect you'd want to hate her. But you can't help but love her. by iiris

Sunday, June 08, 2008

spa break

I have finished my mémoire/dissertation/master’s thesis/gradu. It is now done, transferred into a pdf format and ready to be printed off.

Last week, well this week really I was still panicking and overly stressed. I was convinced I would never get my tables to stay in the right place, come up with an intelligent sounding conclusion or figure out how the bibliography works in the programme I was using. I was stressed.

So I went to get a pedicure. I really wanted a facial as well, but unfortunately the time was not on my side and I had to go to work, before the brightening treatment had time to do miracles to my tired, stressed and gray looking complexion. So I had to be satisfied with red, well filed toenails and smooth heels.

Before my little spa break, I scrubbed my flat. I really did a through clean, though not so thorough that there wouldn’t be anything left for my post-graduation, pre-move on moments but the end result was that my tiny apartment looked happy and sunny. And dustless.

And the day after, I sat in front of my laptop for 10 solid hours and finished the essay.

I don’t do spa days. I didn’t used to do spa days. Or beauty treatments. Or I did, but very very rarely. Now I think they should become a more common part of my wonderings. Because a true break just works miracles. And when you feel good, you work well.

Maybe my next new thing should be beautiful hands. But only after I finish waitressing.

Did I tell you I finished my thesis?


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