dream hunter

You wonder if you should take a step to the unknown. She leaped. You wonder if you knew how. She taught you. You wonder if you could. She did. A friend who's always there. A source of inspiration and admiration. Courageous, beautiful and full of amazing thoughts. She's someone so annoyingly perfect you'd want to hate her. But you can't help but love her. by iiris

Saturday, April 26, 2008

people watching

I like watching, observing and analysing people. I am a firm believer in people watching as an amusing past time. Obviously the best place for this parks during the summer, as they are swamped with people of all ages, who have lost their touch with reality because the gentle caressing sunshine.

Best time to watch people is when they don’t think anybody sees them and one of the place, where you think you are all alone is the car. When driving alone most of us concentrate, hopefully on to the road and traffic, but mainly to our own amusement and ourselves. And when we stop at the streetlights we could never imagine somebody is watching. But someone is and it is absolutely hilarious.

On my way home the other day I got stuck at the Louvre lights, coming from Saint Germain, which are annoyingly long and this time even longer, because the crossing traffic was stuck so nobody could move anywhere irrespective of the colour of the lights.

In front of me there was a blue Golf with a young family. Or I assume it was a family, though I didn’t pay much attention to the parents. The baby in the back on the other hand was entertaining. She was convinced that the bright colour of her shoes must indicate a delicious taste and hence they should be in her mouth rather than in her feet. Unfortunately the shoes were stuck tightly and the only way to get a taste of these yummy things was by bending herself in two and putting the whole foot into the mouth. Easier said and done but she did seem rather determined I must say.

Next to me there was a young man in a suit. Despite his businesslike attire he did not seem to be at all pressed. Instead he was looking at himself from the front mirror and carefully picking his nose. If only his business partners had seen him – there would have been some mighty giggles in the next board meeting.

Behind the young gentleman, on the parallel lane an older lady was getting ready for an important meeting. The front of the car had been transferred into a beauty parlour. There were pots and jars and tubes of lotions and potions all over and each obviously had a very specific purpose. I can only imagine what will happen if she has to suddenly stop with all those lids still open…

And then the typical – a young girl (well she must have been at least my age, which obviously means she is young and at the best possible age…ask me again next year and you will get a new figure for what that is) singing at the top of her voice. I do that too. It is easy. You turn the radio up up up and start signing but because the surrounding sound you cannot hear yourself so you have no idea how horrible you sound. But nobody cares anyways. And this one – she had the moves of a diva.

And then there was… 


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